受非气旋性墨西哥湾扰动影响,佛罗里达州萨拉索塔的 24 小时降雨量超过了飓风伊恩 5 天的降雨量,引发了洪水和龙卷风警报。 24-hour rainfall in Sarasota, Florida surpasses Hurricane Ian's 5-day total, triggering flooding and tornado watches, from a non-cyclonic Gulf disturbance.
佛罗里达州萨拉索塔的降雨量创历史新高,仅 24 小时内降雨量就超过了飓风伊恩五天的降雨总量。 Florida experiences record-breaking rainfall in Sarasota, topping Hurricane Ian's five-day rainfall total in just 24 hours. 来自墨西哥湾的紊乱热带扰动给该地区带来过多降雨,造成街道被淹并引发龙卷风警报。 A disorganized tropical disturbance from the Gulf of Mexico brings excessive rain to the region, causing street flooding and triggering tornado watches. 该扰动尚未达到气旋程度,但预计佛罗里达州南部未来几天将继续出现强降雨。 The disturbance has not reached cyclone status but is expected to continue heavy rainfall across southern Florida for several days.