2022年法国大选的结果是悬浮议会,总统马克龙的中间派联盟获得160-169个席位,极右翼国民联盟获得135-143个席位。 2022 French elections result in a hung parliament, with President Macron's centrist alliance securing 160-169 seats and far-right National Rally gaining 135-143 seats.
法国大选结果出现悬浮议会,左翼政党国家爱国阵线未获得多数席位,而总统马克龙的中间派联盟获得 160 至 169 个席位,极右翼政党国民联盟 (RN) 获得 135 至 143 个席位。 French elections result in a hung parliament as left-wing NPF falls short of a majority, while President Macron's centrist alliance secures 160-169 seats and far-right National Rally (RN) garners 135-143 seats. 这一结果引发了人们对法国财政赤字的担忧,并导致欧元价值小幅下跌。 This outcome raises concerns about France's fiscal deficit and leads to a slight decrease in the value of the euro. 尽管存在不确定性,但市场表现出韧性,美国股市创下新高,欧洲股市变化不大。 Despite the uncertainty, markets show resilience, with the US stock market reaching new record highs and European stocks experiencing minimal changes.