洛杉矶道奇队的表现因暂时的危机或样本量较小而受到质疑。 Los Angeles Dodgers' performance questioned amidst temporary crisis or small sample size.
在最近一篇题为“道奇队的危机,还是仅仅是一个小样本?”的文章中 In a recent article titled "A Dodgers' crisis, or just a small sample size?" 在包括《帕萨迪纳星报》、《每日公报》、《雷德兰兹每日事实》、《圣盖博谷论坛报》、《新闻电报》、《每日新闻》、《每日微风报》、《橙县纪事报》和《圣贝纳迪诺太阳报》在内的多家当地出版物中,洛杉矶道奇队的表现都受到质疑,无论这只是暂时的危机还是样本量较小。 across various local publications including Pasadena Star-News, Daily Bulletin, Redlands Daily Facts, San Gabriel Valley Tribune, Press Telegram, Daily News, Daily Breeze, Orange County Register, and San Bernardino Sun, the Los Angeles Dodgers' performance is questioned, whether it's a temporary crisis or a small sample size. 人们正在根据该球队的惯常标准仔细审查其近期表现。 The team's recent performance is being scrutinized against their usual standards.