在一次 TGNAB 突袭行动中,有 24 人在海德拉巴的 Cave Club 因吸毒被捕。 24 arrested at Hyderabad's Cave Club for drug consumption during a TGNAB raid.
在对海得拉巴马尼孔达洞穴俱乐部进行突袭后,警方逮捕了 24 人,发现他们吸食了大麻、可卡因和甲基苯丙胺等毒品。 24 people were arrested in Hyderabad after a raid at the Cave Club in Manikonda found them consuming drugs including ganja, cocaine, and methamphetamine. 特伦甘纳邦反毒品局 (TGNAB) 进行了这次突袭,旨在遏制酒吧毒品消费。 The Telangana Anti-Narcotics Bureau (TGNAB) conducted the raid as part of their efforts to curb drug consumption in pubs. 警方抽取了血液样本进行进一步调查,结果还发现该夜店的 DJ 吸毒呈阳性。 Blood samples were taken for further investigation, and the club's DJ was also found to be positive for drugs.