2021 年最高法院任期以保守裁决和道德争议为特色,引发了人们对公正性的担忧。 2021 Supreme Court term featured conservative rulings and ethics controversies, raising impartiality concerns.
最高法院最近一届任期内既出现了保守的裁决,也出现了道德争议,引发了人们对法院公正性和中立性的质疑。 The recent Supreme Court term saw a mix of conservative rulings and ethics controversies, raising doubts about the court's impartiality and neutrality. 法律专家表示,这些担忧是相互强化的,批评者质疑法院是否能公正地解释法律。 Legal experts suggest these concerns are mutually reinforcing, with critics questioning whether the court can be a fair interpreter of the law. 这种潜在的合法性问题可能源于传统观念的衰落,即公众接受法院的判决,而不管他们是否同意法院的结果。 This potential legitimacy problem may result from a decline in the traditional notion that the public accepts court decisions, regardless of their agreement with the outcomes.