7 月 5 日,牛津郡警方公布了发生在博迪科特布罗德盖普 (Broad Gap) 的猥亵事件的闭路电视录像,寻求公众帮助,辨认录像中的男子。 Oxfordshire police release CCTV footage of indecent exposure incident on Broad Gap, Bodicote on July 5, seeking public help to identify the man in the footage.
牛津郡警方在接到有关 7 月 5 日在博迪科特布罗德峡发生猥亵暴露事件的报告后,公布了闭路电视录像。 Police in Oxfordshire have released CCTV footage after reports of indecent exposure on Broad Gap, Bodicote, on July 5. 视频中的男子可能掌握有关该事件的重要信息,警方呼吁公众帮助确认其身份。 The man in the footage may have vital information about the incident, and officers are appealing to the public for help in identifying him. 可以通过在线举报、拨打 101(参考编号 43240263030)或匿名拨打犯罪举报热线 0800 555 111 进行联系。 Contact can be made by reporting online, calling 101 with reference number 43240263030, or anonymously calling Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.