Kingswood 任命 Peter Coleman 为临时首席执行官,接替辞职的 David Lawrence。 Kingswood appoints Peter Coleman as interim CEO, succeeding David Lawrence's resignation.
财富管理公司 Kingswood 在 David Lawrence 辞职后任命 Peter Coleman 为临时首席执行官。 Wealth management firm Kingswood appoints Peter Coleman as interim CEO following David Lawrence's resignation. 科尔曼拥有丰富的行业经验,待监管部门批准后,他将加入董事会,同时公司将开始任命常任首席执行官的程序。 Coleman, with extensive industry experience, will join the board, pending regulatory approval, while the company begins the process of appointing a permanent CEO. 劳伦斯见证了一段转型时期,包括收购 20 多家企业和实现两位数的年增长。 Lawrence oversaw a transformative period, including the acquisition of over 20 businesses and double-digit annual growth.