32 岁的新加坡车主被建议撕掉“礼貌车”标签,并根据 2004 年警察法令受到警告。 32-year-old Singapore car owner advised to remove "Polite Car" decals, warned under Police Force Act 2004.
新加坡“礼貌车”的 32 岁车主被警方建议撕掉警徽;并根据《2004 年警察法》受到严厉警告,该法禁止非警察身份的人使用警察徽章。 32-year-old owner of "Polite Car" in Singapore advised to remove decals by police; given stern warning under Police Force Act 2004, which prohibits using police insignia without being a police officer. 这辆车的车标是“礼貌”而不是“警察”,车上的二维码可以链接到车主的冰淇淋店网站。 The car featured "polite" instead of "police" decals, and a QR code led to the owner's ice-cream shop website. 如果罪名成立,该人可能面临最高六个月的监禁、最高 2,500 美元的罚款或两者并罚。 If found guilty, the individual could face up to six months in jail, a fine of up to $2,500, or both.