利物浦驾驶教练因上课时阻塞L牌照的交通而被罚款。 Liverpool driving instructor fined for blocking traffic with L plates during lesson.
利物浦的一名驾驶教练因在上课期间非法停放L牌照而被罚款,当时教员和学习者都阻拦了伦敦路的一条行车道和步行道。 A driving instructor in Liverpool was fined for illegally parking with L plates during a lesson, when both the instructor and learner were obstructing a live lane and footway on London Road. 警方发布罚款, 并在社交媒体上分享这起事件, 接受当地居民的支持, Police issued fines and shared the incident on social media, receiving support from local residents who agreed it was "a lesson learnt." 然而,一些社区成员认为,其他领域需要警方给予更多的关注。 However, some in the community felt other areas needed more attention from the police.