英国大选:保守党候选人彭妮·莫当特 (Penny Mordaunt) 在下议院席位输给工党候选人阿曼达·马丁 (Amanda Martin)。 UK's General Election: Penny Mordaunt (Conservative) loses Commons seat to Labour's Amanda Martin.
在英国正在进行的大选中,因在查理三世加冕典礼上挥舞宝剑而受到关注的前国防大臣、著名保守党人彭妮·莫当特,在下议院的席位被工党的阿曼达·马丁夺走。 In the UK's ongoing General Election, former Defense Secretary and prominent Conservative Penny Mordaunt, who gained attention for her sword-wielding role at King Charles III's coronation, has lost her Commons seat to Labour's Amanda Martin. 预计此次选举结果将是保守党现代史上最糟糕的结果,可能减少218个席位。 The election results are expected to be the worst for the Conservatives in modern history, with a potential decrease of 218 seats.