女演员阿琼·安多 (Adjoa Andoh) 称赞凯尔·斯塔默 (Keir Starmer) 和蕾切尔·里夫斯 (Rachel Reeves) 有潜力为英国政坛带来“稳定性”。 Actress Adjoa Andoh praises Keir Starmer and Rachel Reeves for their potential to bring "steadiness" to UK politics.
女演员阿乔·安多 (Adjoa Andoh) 认为,工党领袖基尔·斯塔默 (Keir Starmer) 和影子财政大臣雷切尔·里夫斯 (Rachel Reeves) 将为英国政府带来“稳定性”。 Actress Adjoa Andoh believes that Labour Party leader Keir Starmer and shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves will bring "steadiness" to the UK government. 安多在第四频道的大选现场直播中称赞了里夫斯在国家经历的 14 年“震惊和恐惧”中所表现出的坚定性。 Appearing on Channel 4's live coverage of the General Election, Andoh praised Reeves' steadfastness amid 14 years of "shocks and frights" for the country. 她还在一篇报纸文章中将斯塔默比作“政治蔬菜汤”,暗示要回归更基本的政治价值观。 She also compared Starmer to "political vegetable broth" in a newspaper article, suggesting a return to more basic political values.