凌晨 3 点 40 分,新西兰警方和消防紧急部门正在调查南地马纳普里发生的不明原因房屋火灾。 Police and Fire & Emergency NZ investigate unexplained house fire in Manapouri, Southland, at 3:40am.
新西兰警方和消防紧急部门正在调查南地马纳普里的一起房屋火灾,紧急救援队于凌晨 3 点 40 分被叫到一栋单层住宅。 Police and Fire & Emergency NZ are investigating a house fire in Manapouri, Southland, where emergency crews were called to a single-story home at 3:40am. 火灾原因尚不明确,火灾发生时在场人数也不清楚,但紧急服务部门和警方正在共同努力确认这一信息。 The cause of the blaze is unexplained and the number of people present at the address during the fire is unknown, but both emergency services and police are working together to establish this information. 一旦获得进一步详细信息,我们将予以公布。 Further details will be provided as they become available.