路易斯安那州联邦法官命令该州改善在安哥拉农场线极端高温下工作的囚犯的条件。 Louisiana federal judge orders state to improve conditions for inmates working in extreme heat on Angola's Farm Line.
路易斯安那州联邦法官命令该州改善在安哥拉农场线极端高温下工作的囚犯的条件,理由是存在很大的受伤或死亡风险。 Louisiana federal judge orders state to improve conditions for inmates working in extreme heat on Angola's Farm Line, citing substantial risk of injury or death. 法官布莱恩·杰克逊批准了一项临时限制令,要求该州在七天内提交改善监狱条件和保护被监禁工人的计划。 Judge Brian Jackson granted a temporary restraining order, giving the state seven days to submit a plan to improve conditions and protect incarcerated workers. 该命令是在一项集体诉讼中发布的,该诉讼指控该监狱在田地中存在残酷和不寻常的惩罚以及强迫劳动。 The order comes as a class-action lawsuit alleges cruel and unusual punishment and forced labor in the prison's fields.