一架从慕尼黑起飞的汉莎航空 A380 客机在德里降落时起轮起火,导致返程航班取消,直至 7 月 3 日才恢复。 A Lufthansa A380 from Munich had a wheel fire during landing in Delhi, causing cancellation of return flight until July 3.
周一晚,一架从慕尼黑起飞的汉莎航空 A380 客机在降落德里英迪拉甘地国际机场时轮胎起火,机上约有 490 名乘客。 A Lufthansa A380 from Munich experienced a wheel fire during landing at Delhi's Indira Gandhi International Airport on Monday night with approximately 490 passengers on board. 飞机成功着陆,但由于起火及缺少零件,返回慕尼黑的航班被取消。 The aircraft made a controlled landing, but due to the fire and lack of spare parts, the return flight to Munich was canceled. 汉莎航空将安全放在第一位,受影响的飞机计划于7月3日执行返程航班。 Lufthansa prioritizes safety and the affected aircraft is scheduled to operate the return flight on July 3.