加纳司法部门就美国大使馆附近的土地侵占行为起诉司法部长、土地委员会和 Frimps Oil 公司。 Judicial Service of Ghana sues AG, Lands Commission, and Frimps Oil over land encroachment near American Embassy.
加纳司法部门已对总检察长、土地委员会和弗里普斯石油有限公司提起诉讼,指控其在阿克拉美国大使馆对面的一块土地上进行开发。 The Judicial Service of Ghana has filed a lawsuit against the Attorney General, Lands Commission, and Frimps Oil Company Limited over developments on a land plot opposite the American Embassy in Accra. 司法部门声称拥有这片土地和六栋平房的所有权,并指控其受到侵占,要求宣布其合法占有。 The Judicial Service claims ownership of the land and six bungalows, alleging encroachment, and seeks a declaration of its lawful occupancy. 争议地区和平房是前法官及其家人的住所。 The disputed area and bungalows served as residences for former judges and their families.