57 岁的詹姆斯·W·奥利弗 (James W. Oliver) 在缅因州奥古斯塔的肯纳贝克河铁轨小径上袭击一名女子后,被指控严重性侵犯、犯罪威胁和非法性接触。 57-year-old James W. Oliver charged with gross sexual assault, criminal threatening, and unlawful sexual contact after assaulting a woman on the Kennebec River Rail Trail in Augusta, Maine.
57 岁的詹姆斯·W·奥利弗是来自缅因州林肯县的流浪者,他因涉嫌在缅因州奥古斯塔的肯纳贝克河铁轨小径上袭击一名女子而被捕,并被指控犯有严重性侵犯、犯罪威胁和非法性接触罪。 57-year-old James W. Oliver, a transient from Lincoln County, Maine, has been arrested and charged with gross sexual assault, criminal threatening, and unlawful sexual contact after allegedly assaulting a woman on the Kennebec River Rail Trail in Augusta, Maine. 该事件发生在7月1日早上7点左右。 The incident was reported at around 7 a.m. on July 1st. 一位好心人赶来为受害者提供援助,奥利弗在被逮捕之前逃离了现场。 A Good Samaritan intervened to render aid to the victim, and Oliver fled the scene before being apprehended.