36 岁的杰里·坎农 (Jerry Cannon) 在 10 月 26 日接到一名女性受害者的报告后,在北卡罗来纳州金斯顿因袭击和强奸指控被捕。 36-year-old Jerry Cannon arrested in Kinston, NC, on assault and rape charges following an October 26 report of a female victim.
Jerry Cannon, 36, 在北卡罗来纳州Kinston被捕, 被控二级强暴、致命武器攻击、简单攻击、个人财物受伤。 Jerry Cannon, 36, has been arrested in Kinston, North Carolina, facing charges of second-degree forcible rape, assault with a deadly weapon, simple assault, and injury to personal property. 指控是在10月26日接到袭击报告后提出的,当时警察对关于一名女性受害者的电话作出反应。 The charges follow a report of an assault on October 26, when police responded to a call about a female victim. 金斯顿警察局正在犯罪实验室和调查司的帮助下进行调查。 The Kinston Police Department is conducting an investigation with help from its Crime Lab and Investigations Divisions.