85 岁的伊恩·麦克莱恩因舞台坠落而退出“Player Kings”巡回演唱会。 85-year-old Ian McKellen withdraws from "Player Kings" tour due to stage fall.
85 岁的传奇演员伊恩·麦克莱恩因在西区演出期间在舞台上摔倒而退出了其话剧作品“Player Kings”的全国巡演。 Legendary actor Ian McKellen, 85, has withdrawn from the national tour of his theatre production "Player Kings" following a fall on stage during a West End run. 麦克莱恩在剧中扮演约翰·福斯塔夫,上个月在伦敦诺埃尔科沃德剧院的一场演出中摔倒。 McKellen, who played John Falstaff in the production, fell during a performance at the Noël Coward Theatre in London last month. 他的替补大卫·塞马克 (David Semark) 将代替他参加 7 月 3 日至 27 日的巡演。 His understudy, David Semark, will take his place on the tour, which runs from 3-27 July. 麦凯伦在声明中表示他不愿退出,但表示必须优先考虑康复。 McKellen's statement expressed his reluctance to withdraw but stated he must prioritize his recovery.