84 岁的资深演员伊恩·麦凯伦爵士和 30 岁的男友奥斯卡·康伦-莫里在约会一年后分手。 Veteran actor Sir Ian McKellen, 84, and boyfriend Oscar Conlon-Morrey, 30, split after a year of dating.
84 岁的伊恩·麦克莱恩爵士和 30 岁的男友奥斯卡·康伦-莫里在约会一年后宣布分手。 Sir Ian McKellen, 84, and his boyfriend, Oscar Conlon-Morrey, 30, have announced their split after one year of dating. 这对夫妇于 2022 年 12 月在表演哑剧时相识,最初计划订婚,但最终决定分道扬镳。 The couple, who met while performing in a pantomime in December 2022, had initially planned to engage but ultimately decided to part ways. 据报道,麦凯伦不希望在他外出巡演时有伴侣住在他的家里。 It has been reported that McKellen does not want a partner living in his home while he is away on tour.