莫迪总理指责拉胡尔·甘地采取选择性绥靖政策。 Prime Minister Modi accused Rahul Gandhi of selective appeasement.
印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪指责国大党领导人拉胡尔·甘地为了绥靖政治,侮辱印度历史上的拉贾和玛哈拉贾,同时对纳瓦布、尼扎姆、苏丹和巴德沙阿犯下的暴行保持沉默。 Prime Minister Narendra Modi accused Congress leader Rahul Gandhi of insulting India's historical Rajas and Maharajas while remaining silent on atrocities committed by Nawabs, Nizams, Sultans, and Badshahs for the sake of appeasement politics. 莫迪声称甘地的言论是为了安抚特定群体,并批评他没有解决这些统治者过去的暴政。 Modi claimed that Gandhi's statements were made to appease specific groups and criticized him for not addressing past tyranny by these rulers. 这一声明是在贝尔高姆的一次政治集会上发表的。 The statement was made during a political rally in Belagavi.