萨尼亚男子被判过失杀人罪名不成立,检方决定不再上诉。 Sarnia man acquitted of manslaughter, Crown decides not to appeal.
萨尼亚一名男子因其年迈邻居的死亡而被判过失杀人罪,检方选择不对该案的无罪判决提出上诉。 The Crown has chosen not to appeal the acquittal of a Sarnia man who was found not guilty of manslaughter in the death of his elderly neighbor. 法官裁定,检方未能毫无合理怀疑地证明过失杀人罪的成立。 The judge ruled that the Crown had not proven the manslaughter charge beyond a reasonable doubt. 这一决定是在萨尼亚最近两次宣判无罪之后做出的;目前,检方正在对一名 54 岁男子因其同居妻子死亡一事的无罪判决提出上诉。 This decision follows two recent acquittals in Sarnia; currently, the Crown is appealing the acquittal of a 54-year-old man in the death of his common-law wife.