加拿大最高法院拒绝审理德格鲁德的上诉,维持因 2014 年刺伤致命案而被拘留在精神病院的决定。 Supreme Court of Canada declines to hear de Grood's appeal, upholding psychiatric facility detention for fatal 2014 stabbing.
加拿大最高法院拒绝审理卡尔加里男子马修·德·格鲁德 (Matthew de Grood) 的上诉,他被判对 2014 年在一次家庭聚会上刺死五名年轻人不负刑事责任。 The Supreme Court of Canada has declined to hear an appeal by Matthew de Grood, a Calgary man found not criminally responsible for the fatal stabbing of five young people at a house party in 2014. 德格鲁德后来被诊断出患有未确诊的精神分裂症,由于他对公共安全造成的持续风险,他被命令继续拘留在精神病院。 De Grood, who was later diagnosed with undiagnosed schizophrenia, was ordered to remain detained at a psychiatric facility due to the ongoing public safety risk he poses. 艾伯塔省上诉法院此前驳回了撤销审查委员会命令的请求,驳回了德格鲁德绝对或有条件释放的可能性。 The Alberta Court of Appeal previously rejected the request to set aside the review board order, dismissing the possibility of an absolute or conditional discharge for de Grood.