70名墨尔本机场工作人员违反安全规定,其中一些人涉嫌协助有组织犯罪集团走私毒品;航空公司机组人员吸毒和藏匿烟草。 70 Melbourne Airport staff breached security, with some suspected of aiding organized crime groups in drug smuggling; airline crew members engaged in drug use and hiding tobacco.
70 名墨尔本机场工作人员违反安全检查,其中一些人涉嫌协助有组织犯罪集团走私毒品,而航空公司机组人员则吸毒并藏匿非法香烟/烟草。 70 Melbourne Airport staff breached security checks, with some suspected of aiding organized crime groups in drug smuggling, while airline crew members engaged in drug use and hiding illegal cigarettes/tobacco. 两名机组人员因酒驾被抓,导致签证被取消。 Two crew members were caught under the influence, leading to a visa cancellation. 目前,研究人员正利用便携式X光机对与跨国犯罪集团有联系的航空业个人进行调查。 Ongoing investigation with portable X-ray machines focuses on individuals in aviation with links to transnational crime groups.