卡马拉·哈里斯承认乔·拜登在辩论中“开局缓慢”,并称赞他结尾强劲,同时批评特朗普撒谎。 Kamala Harris acknowledged Joe Biden's "slow start" in the debate and praised his strong finish, while criticizing Trump's lying.
卡玛拉·哈里斯承认,乔·拜登在最近与唐纳德·特朗普的辩论中“开局缓慢”,但她最后称赞他的表现“强劲”。 Kamala Harris admitted Joe Biden had a "slow start" in the recent debate with Donald Trump, but she praised his performance as "strong" in the end. 哈里斯还批评特朗普在辩论中“一遍又一遍”撒谎。 Harris also criticized Trump for lying "over and over" during the debate. 在接受 CNN 和 MSNBC 采访时,哈里斯承认拜登在辩论中最初遇到了困难,但强调根据候选人的整个任期来评估他们的重要性。 In interviews on CNN and MSNBC, Harris acknowledged Biden's initial struggle in the debate, but emphasized the importance of evaluating candidates based on their entire tenure in office.