民主党候选人卡玛拉·哈里斯预计特朗普在即将举行的辩论中会对她进行个人攻击和谎言. Democratic nominee Kamala Harris expects personal attacks and lies from Trump in the upcoming debate.
民主党提名的卡玛拉·哈里斯预计唐纳德·特朗普会在即将到来的辩论中撒谎并使用人身攻击。 Democratic nominee Kamala Harris anticipates that Donald Trump will lie and use personal attacks during their upcoming debate. 在一次电台采访中, 她描述特朗普的策略来自过时的游戏手册, 警告他的行为是“没有底线”的。 In a radio interview, she described Trump’s tactics as drawn from an outdated playbook, warning that there is "no floor" to his behavior. 这次定于星期二晚上进行的辩论意义重大,因为它可能是11月5日选举前唯一面对面的场合。 The debate, set for Tuesday night, is significant as it may be the only in-person encounter before the November 5 election. 哈里斯计划强调团结和政策 而不是人身攻击 Harris plans to emphasize unity and policy over personal attacks.