土耳其因打击洗钱工作取得进展而被从金融行动特别工作组“灰名单”中除名,这提振了外资前景。 Turkey removed from FATF 'gray list' due to progress on money laundering, boosting foreign capital prospects.
由于在打击洗钱和恐怖主义融资方面取得的进展,土耳其已被从金融行动特别工作组 (FATF) 需要加强监控的“灰名单”中剔除。 Turkey has been removed from the Financial Action Task Force's (FATF) 'gray list' of countries requiring increased monitoring due to its progress in tackling money laundering and terrorist financing. 预计这一决定将提升土耳其吸引外资的前景。 This decision is expected to boost Turkey's prospects for attracting foreign capital. 土耳其从名单中被除名是继牙买加之后,由于其在遵守规定方面取得重大进展,牙买加也被从“灰名单”中除名。 Turkey's removal from the list follows Jamaica, which was also taken off the 'gray list' due to its significant progress on compliance.