6 月 27 日,海斯县特警部队在德克萨斯州温伯利逮捕了雷蒙德·班达 (Raymond Banda),罪名是严重袭击、恐怖威胁和违反缓刑规定。 On June 27, Hays County SWAT arrested Raymond Banda for aggravated assault, terroristic threat, and probation violation in Wimberley, TX.
6 月 27 日,海斯县特警部队逮捕了雷蒙德·班达 (Raymond Banda),罪名包括使用致命武器进行严重袭击、对家庭成员/家人进行恐怖威胁以及撤销缓刑。 Hays County SWAT arrested Raymond Banda on June 27 for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, terroristic threat family member/household, and a motion to revoke probation. 此次逮捕是在德克萨斯州温伯利市 Ledgerock 路 4000 号街区的一次逮捕令执行行动之后进行的。 The arrest took place at 3 a.m. in the 4000 block of Ledgerock Road, Wimberley, TX, following a warrant service operation. 海斯县警长办公室目前正在处理此案的调查,并且可能会提出更多指控。 The Hays County Sheriff's Office is handling the ongoing investigation, and more charges may follow.