32 岁的奥克兰居民丹尼尔·史密斯 (Daniel Smith) 在 ITM 赞助的 NZCB 学徒挑战赛中赢得了新西兰顶级木工学徒称号。 32-year-old Auckland resident Daniel Smith won New Zealand's top carpentry apprentice title at NZCB Apprentice Challenge, sponsored by ITM.
32 岁的奥克兰居民丹尼尔·史密斯 (Daniel Smith) 在惠灵顿举行的新西兰认证建筑商 (NZCB) 学徒挑战赛中赢得了新西兰顶级木工学徒称号。 32-year-old Auckland resident Daniel Smith won New Zealand's top carpentry apprentice title at the NZ Certified Builders (NZCB) Apprentice Challenge in Wellington. 此次比赛由 ITM 赞助,共有 20 名地区决赛选手争夺最高奖项。 The competition, sponsored by ITM, featured 20 regional finalists who competed for the top prize. 史密斯获得了 10,000 美元的奖金和肯·里德纪念奖杯。 Smith received a $10,000 prize package and the Ken Read Memorial Trophy. 此次活动展示了建筑行业有前途的人才。 The event showcased promising talent in the construction industry.