4 名中国 STEM 学生(包括 2 名人工智能研究人员)遭到美国边境官员超过 10 小时的骚扰和审问。 4 Chinese STEM students, including 2 AI researchers, faced 10+ hours of harassment and interrogation by US border officials.
四名在美留学的中国STEM专业学生遭到美国边境官员超过10小时的骚扰和审问。 Four Chinese STEM students studying in the US faced harassment and interrogation for over 10 hours by US border officials. 这些学生都有科学技术背景,其中两人对人工智能研究感兴趣。 The students, with backgrounds in science and technology, were two of whom with AI research interests. 警察反复询问他们的个人和家庭信息、学习、实习情况、中国共产党党员身份以及与中国政府的合作情况。 Officers repeatedly questioned them about their personal and family information, studies, internships, CPC membership, and cooperation with the Chinese government.