尽管天气阴雨,在当地组织赞助的贝尔维尔年度自行车头盔赠送日上,160 名儿童仍然免费获得了尺寸合适的自行车头盔。 160 children received free, correctly-sized bike helmets at Belleville's annual Bike Helmet Giveaway Day, sponsored by local organizations, despite rainy weather.
贝尔维尔一年一度的自行车头盔赠送日,尽管天气阴雨,仍有 160 名儿童在儿童安全村安全地佩戴了头盔。 Belleville's annual Bike Helmet Giveaway Day saw 160 children safely fitted with helmets at the Children's Safety Village, despite rainy weather. 此次活动由昆特区脑损伤协会、道格自行车店、波恩法律和儿童安全村赞助,为儿童免费提供尺寸合适的头盔。 The event, sponsored by the Brain Injury Association Quinte District, Doug's Bicycle Shop, Bonn's Law, and Children's Safety Village, provided children with free, correctly-sized helmets. 此次活动是在长期使用的儿童安全村综合设施的最后几天举行的,该村正在搬迁至一个新址,由贝尔维尔扶轮社规划,将建造一个包含 66 个单元的住宅综合体。 The event took place in the last days of the long-serving Children's Safety Village complex, which is being relocated to a new site with a 66-unit housing complex planned by the Rotary Club of Belleville.