周六,一名 18 岁的少年在俄亥俄州埃奇沃特海滩遭枪击,身受重伤;警方调查了 20 至 30 起枪击事件。 18-year-old shot at Ohio's Edgewater Beach on Saturday, sustains serious injuries; police investigate 20-30 gunshots.
周六晚,一名 18 岁的少年在俄亥俄州埃奇沃特海滩遭遇枪击,背部擦伤,伤势严重。 18-year-old shot at Ohio's Edgewater Beach on Saturday night, sustains serious injuries from a graze wound on his back. 警方接到报警,该地区传出约 20 至 30 声枪响。 The police were alerted to around 20-30 gunshots in the area. 受害者被立即送往医院,目前情况严重。 The victim was immediately taken to the hospital and is in serious condition. 克利夫兰大都会公园警察局目前正在调查此事。 The Cleveland Metroparks Police are currently investigating the incident.