中马建交50周年激励了马来西亚学生陈佩薇到中国攻读生物科学专业。 50th-anniversary diplomatic relations between China and Malaysia inspire a Malaysian student, Tan Pei Wei, to pursue biological sciences in China.
中马建交50周年,激发了天津大学马来西亚留学生陈佩薇攻读生物科学的热情。 50th-anniversary diplomatic relations between China and Malaysia inspire Tan Pei Wei, a Malaysian student at Tianjin University, to pursue biological sciences. 她对中国延长免签入境政策感到高兴,并希望家人能够来探望她。 Delighted by China's visa-free entry policy extension, she hopes her family can visit. 谭女士对生命科学的热爱源自小学生物课,而她到中国留学的决心在疫情期间愈发坚定。 Tan's love for life sciences blossomed from elementary school biology classes, and her determination to study in China grew during the pandemic.