在洛杉矶,疫情期间乐高市场需求激增,导致珍贵的乐高迷你模型被盗。 In LA, a surge in pandemic Lego market demand resulted in high-profile heists of valuable Lego minifigs.
在洛杉矶,由于疫情期间乐高收藏品市场的激增,发生了一系列引人注目的乐高盗窃案。 In LA, a series of high-profile Lego heists have occurred due to the surge in the collectible Lego market during the pandemic. 人们有了更多的时间并开始收集更多的乐高迷你模型,导致珍贵的乐高迷你模型的价格上涨,其中一些可以卖到 1,000 美元以上。 People had more time and began amassing larger collections, leading to increased prices for valuable Lego minifigs, some of which can sell for over $1,000. 这些迷你人偶包括了《星球大战》和漫威中的热门人物,已成为小偷的目标。 These minifigs, which include popular characters from "Star Wars" and Marvel, have become a target for thieves.