一名 45 岁女子和一名 34 岁男子因在奥克兰利用火灾警报转移手段盗窃价值 2 万美元的乐高积木而被捕。 45-year-old woman and 34-year-old man arrested for $20,000 worth of Lego theft in Auckland, using fire alarm diversions.
一名 45 岁女子和一名 34 岁男子因涉嫌从奥克兰多家零售店盗窃价值 2 万纽币的乐高玩具而被捕;警方已提出“多项指控”,并指控这两人犯有 30 项商店盗窃罪,以及违反《新西兰消防和紧急情况法》的罪名。 45-year-old woman and 34-year-old man arrested for allegedly stealing $20,000 worth of Lego from multiple retailers in Auckland; police have laid a "brickload of charges" and the pair have been charged with 30 counts of shoplifting, along with charges under the Fire and Emergency New Zealand Act. 这些窃贼通过触发火警来扰乱商店秩序,从而成功偷走了乐高积木。 The alleged thieves created a diversion in stores by setting off fire alarms, allowing them to steal the Lego sets.