2021 年蓝鲸钓鱼大赛在俄克拉荷马州卡图萨恢复,旨在推广户外活动和儿童钓鱼活动。 2021 Blue Whale Fishing Derby resumed in Catoosa, Oklahoma, promoting outdoor activities and fishing for kids.
疫情结束后,蓝鲸钓鱼大赛在俄克拉荷马州卡图萨恢复,旨在鼓励孩子们参与户外活动并学习钓鱼。 The Blue Whale Fishing Derby resumed in Catoosa, Oklahoma after the pandemic hiatus, aimed at encouraging kids to engage in outdoor activities and learn fishing. 俄克拉荷马州野生动物部门专门为这次活动标记了 37 条鱼,包括一条大鲶鱼。 The Oklahoma Department of Wildlife tagged 37 fish, including a large catfish, specifically for this event. 卡图萨警察局长罗尼·贝奈特 (Ronnie Benight) 希望这次体验能够激励孩子们继续钓鱼并培养与大自然的联系。 Catoosa Police Chief Ronnie Benight hopes the experience will inspire children to continue fishing and foster a connection with nature.