人民英雄党(MK)任命被弹劾的法官约翰·赫洛菲(John Hlophe)为议会领导人。 uMkhonto WeSizwe (MK) Party appoints impeached Judge John Hlophe as its leader in Parliament.
人民英雄党(MK)任命被弹劾的法官约翰·赫洛菲(John Hlophe)为议会领导人。 uMkhonto WeSizwe (MK) Party appoints impeached Judge John Hlophe as its leader in Parliament. 赫洛菲因试图影响与前总统雅各布·祖马有关的案件而被弹劾,罪名是严重不当行为。 Hlophe was impeached for gross misconduct after attempting to influence a case related to former President Jacob Zuma. 尽管被判有罪,MK党仍然将Hlophe视为为被剥夺权利者争取正义的关键人物,并打算团结进步活动家,挑战DA / ANC联盟。 Despite being found guilty, MK Party sees Hlophe as a crucial figure in their fight for justice for the disenfranchised and intends to unite progressive activists to challenge the DA/ANC coalition.