旧金山陪审团判定大卫·德帕佩因袭击保罗·佩洛西而犯有多项罪名,包括加重绑架罪。 San Francisco jury convicts David DePape on multiple charges, including aggravated kidnapping, for attacking Paul Pelosi.
袭击前众议院议长南希·佩洛西丈夫保罗·佩洛西的男子戴维·德帕普被旧金山陪审团裁定多项罪名成立,其中包括加重绑架罪,最高可判处终身监禁,不得假释。 David DePape, the man who attacked Paul Pelosi, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband, was found guilty by a San Francisco jury on multiple charges, including aggravated kidnapping, which carries a life sentence without parole. 德帕普还被判犯有一级入室盗窃、非法监禁老人、威胁公职人员家人以及劝阻证人等罪名。 DePape was also convicted of first-degree burglary, false imprisonment of an elder, threatening a family member of a public official, and dissuading a witness. 此前,德帕普因袭击事件被判处 30 年联邦监禁。 This verdict comes after DePape received a separate 30-year federal prison sentence for the attack.