在一次独特的重新量刑听证会上,法官维持对袭击保罗·佩洛西的男子 30 年徒刑的判决。 Judge upholds 30-year sentence for man who attacked Paul Pelosi during unique resentencing hearing.
在一次独特的重新量刑听证会上,法官重申对袭击保罗·佩洛西的男子判处 30 年徒刑。 Judge reaffirms 30-year sentence for man who attacked Paul Pelosi during a unique resentencing hearing. 该男子因试图劫持前议长南希·佩洛西而被判有罪,他道了歉,但刑期仍然保持不变。 The man, convicted of attempting to hostage former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, apologized but still received the same term. 尽管情况异常,法官仍维持原判,确保袭击事件得到公正处理。 The judge maintained the punishment despite unusual circumstances, ensuring justice for the attack.