密苏里市警察在接到抢劫报警电话时发生车祸,导致一对母子死亡。 Missouri City police officer's crash during a robbery call response kills a mother and son.
一名密苏里市警察在接到抢劫报警后,驾车驶出停车场时撞上了一辆汽车,造成一名母亲和她 16 岁的儿子死亡。 A Missouri City police officer responding to a robbery call crashed into a car, killing a mother and her 16-year-old son on their way out of a parking lot. 事件发生于周四晚上 8 点 40 分左右,当时这家人正要离开停车场,在卡特赖特 FM 2234 附近的路段被警车撞倒。 The incident took place around 8:40 p.m. on Thursday as the family was leaving the parking lot when they were hit by the squad car on Cartwright near FM 2234. 密苏里市警方正在调查事故细节。 Missouri City Police are investigating the details of the crash.