警官在汽车被持有逮捕证的司机撞伤后受伤,这些司机后来逃跑,但被抓获。 Officer injured after car was rammed by drivers with warrants who later fled but were caught.
San Antonio西南区的一名警察在巡逻车被一辆男子驾驶的汽车撞入时受轻伤,该男子持有未执行的逮捕证,没有有效的执照。 A police officer on the Southwest Side of San Antonio suffered minor injuries after his patrol car was crashed into by a vehicle driven by a man with outstanding warrants and no valid license. 星期一下午10时左右在老皮尔萨尔路和希尔本道附近发生这一事件。 The incident happened near Old Pearsall Road and Hillburn Drive around 10 p.m. on Monday. 车上的两名男子逃跑,但后来被警察抓获。 Two men in the sedan fled but were later caught by officers. 该警官被送往医院治疗。 The officer was taken to a hospital for treatment.