印度海军计划在 24 个月内订购 4 架由 DRDO 开发的 Tapas 无人机,用于海上监视行动。 Indian Navy plans to order 4 Tapas drones, developed by DRDO, for maritime surveillance ops within 24 months.
印度海军计划订购四架由国防研究与发展组织 (DRDO) 开发的 Tapas 无人机,用于海上监视行动。 The Indian Navy plans to order four Tapas drones, developed by DRDO, for maritime surveillance ops. 无人机将由 BEL 和 HAL 制造,第一架无人机预计将在 24 个月内生产出来。 The drones will be manufactured by BEL and HAL, with the first one expected within 24 months. 尽管没有完全满足联合服务质量要求,它们还是达到了 28,000 英尺的高度并飞行了 18 个小时,并且起飞跑道较短,适合在岛屿领土和大陆飞行。 Despite not fully meeting Joint Services Qualitative Requirements, they reached 28,000 feet altitude and flew for 18 hours, with a short runway length for takeoff, making them suitable for island territories and mainland.