印度海军设计的Drishti-10无人驾驶飞机在审判期间撞入波班达近海。 Indian Navy's Israeli-designed Drishti-10 drone crashes into the sea off Porbandar during trials.
一架由以色列设计的印度制造的军用无人机Drishti-10型无人驾驶飞机在印度海军审判期间坠毁于Porbandar沿海。 An Israeli-designed, Indian-built military drone, the Drishti-10, crashed into the sea off Porbandar during trials for the Indian Navy. 由Adani国防和航空航天公司操作的中空、耐久无人驾驶飞机。 The medium-altitude, long-endurance drone was being operated by Adani Defence and Aerospace. 坠机是在通信损失之后发生的,其确切原因正在调查之中。 The crash occurred after a communication loss, and the exact cause is under investigation. 去年美国租用的无人驾驶飞机发生类似坠毁事件后, 此事引起对这些飞机对印度军方的可靠性的担忧。 This incident follows a similar crash of a leased US drone last year, raising concerns about the reliability of such aircraft for the Indian military.