26 岁的布兰登·克劳福德·格兰特 (Brandon Crawford Grant) 被新斯科舍省皇家骑警通缉,据称他用斧头破坏了一所房屋,然后逃进树林,并且可能持有武器;警方寻求公众帮助来寻找他。 26-year-old Brandon Crawford Grant, wanted by RCMP in Nova Scotia, allegedly damaged a home with an axe, ran into the woods, and may be armed; police seek public help in locating him.
新斯科舍省皇家骑警正在搜捕 26 岁男子布兰登·克劳福德·格兰特 (Brandon Crawford Grant),他因无故在逃而被全省通缉。 The RCMP in Nova Scotia is searching for a 26-year-old man, Brandon Crawford Grant, who is wanted on a province-wide arrest warrant for being at large without excuse. 据称,格兰特用斧头破坏了一所房屋,然后逃进该省东岸西佩特佩斯威克地区的树林。 Grant allegedly damaged a home with an axe and ran into the woods in the West Petpeswick area of the province's Eastern Shore. 警方警告称,他可能携带武器,并要求任何知晓他行踪的人拨打 911。 Police warn that he may be armed and ask anyone with information on his whereabouts to call 911.