昆士兰州南麦凯一名妇女遭枪击身亡,警方随即展开搜捕并采取紧急行动。 Woman fatally shot in South Mackay, Queensland, prompts manhunt and emergency situation.
昆士兰州南麦凯一名女子遭枪杀,警方随即展开搜捕,并宣布进入紧急状态。 A woman was fatally shot in South Mackay, Queensland, prompting a manhunt and an emergency situation declaration. 警方在现场发现了一名已故女子和一名手部受伤的男子,但没有生命危险。 Police discovered the deceased woman and a man with non-life-threatening hand injuries at the scene. 嫌疑人尚未被抓获,警方敦促公众避开该地区,禁区内的人员被要求留在室内,直至另行通知。 The suspect is yet to be apprehended, and the public has been urged to avoid the area and those within the exclusion zone are asked to remain indoors until further notice.