由于财务问题,Steward Health Care 将马萨诸塞州医院拍卖截止日期延长至 7 月 15 日。 Steward Health Care extends Massachusetts hospital auction deadline to July 15 due to financial issues.
陷入财务困境的 Steward Health Care 延长了马萨诸塞州的医院拍卖日期,称需要一个更合理的日期以便潜在竞标者制定更有力的出价。 Financially troubled Steward Health Care extends hospital auction dates in Massachusetts, citing the need for a more reasonable date for potential bidders to develop robust bids. 该公司于5月份申请破产,最初将竞标截止日期定为6月24日,但现在已将其推迟至7月15日。 The company, which filed for bankruptcy in May, initially set the bidding deadline for June 24, but has now pushed it back to July 15. 该公司第二轮拍卖和销售时间表保持不变,其中包括佛罗里达州的医院和德克萨斯州的设施。 The auction and sale schedule for the company's second round, which includes Florida hospitals and Texas facilities, remains unchanged.