由于生存几率较低,巴基斯坦救援人员终止了对在斯潘提克峰失踪的日本登山者 Atsushi Taguchi 的搜寻。 Pakistani rescuers terminated search for missing Japanese climber, Atsushi Taguchi, on Spantik Peak, due to low survival chances.
巴基斯坦救援人员停止了对日本登山者 Atsushi Taguchi 的搜寻,他一周前在试图攀登巴基斯坦北部海拔 7,027 米的斯潘提克峰时失踪。 Pakistani rescuers have called off the search for a Japanese climber, Atsushi Taguchi, who went missing a week ago while attempting to scale Spantik Peak, a 7,027-meter mountain in northern Pakistan. 他的同事平冈龙濑(Ryuseki Hiraoka)于 6 月 15 日被发现死亡。 His colleague, Ryuseki Hiraoka, was found dead on June 15. 由于在搜索过程中没有发现田口的踪迹,且其生存几率较低,因此对田口的搜寻被迫终止。 The search for Taguchi was terminated due to the lack of signs of his presence during the search operation and the low chances of his survival.