澳大利亚约克角半岛因其环境和文化价值被列入联合国教科文组织世界遗产预备名单。 Cape York Peninsula in Australia added to UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List for environmental and cultural values.
澳大利亚的约克角半岛已被列入该国联合国教科文组织世界遗产预备名单。 Cape York Peninsula in Australia has been added to the country's UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List. 该半岛拥有由祖先塑造的壮丽景观、河流和海洋国家,在与传统所有者合作后因其环境和文化价值而获得提名。 The peninsula, which includes spectacular landscapes, rivers and Sea Country shaped by ancestral beings, has been nominated for both its environmental and cultural values after working with traditional owners. 此举是朝着正式列入世界遗产名录迈出的“重要一步”,并将为子孙后代保护该地区。 The move is a "monumental" step towards formal recognition on the World Heritage list and will protect the area for future generations.