由于气候脆弱,50°C 的高温迫使伊拉克人到河流、溜冰场和水上乐园寻求庇护。 50°C heat forces Iraqis to seek refuge in rivers, ice rinks, and aqua parks due to climate vulnerability.
伊拉克人在破纪录的高温中躲进底格里斯河和室内溜冰场,气温经常达到 50°C (120°F)。 Iraqis seek refuge in the Tigris River and indoor ice rinks amidst record-breaking heat, with temperatures often reaching 50°C (120°F). 联合国将伊拉克列为全球五个最易受气候影响的国家之一,遭受降雨减少、沙漠化和沙尘暴等困扰。 UN ranks Iraq among the world's five most climate-vulnerable nations, suffering from declining rainfall, desertification, and dust storms. 由于基础设施困难和电力中断持续发生,当地人纷纷涌向河流、溜冰场和水上乐园,以躲避极端天气。 As infrastructure struggles and power cuts persist, locals flock to rivers, ice rinks, and an aqua park for relief from the extreme conditions.