人工智能创新者 EVA LIVE INC 聘请 Maxim Group LLC 担任财务顾问,在纳斯达克上市,以提高知名度和增长。 AI innovator EVA LIVE INC engages Maxim Group LLC as a financial advisor to list on Nasdaq for enhanced visibility and growth.
人工智能创新公司 EVA LIVE INC (OTCQB:GOAI) 聘请 Maxim Group LLC 担任财务顾问,旨在通过战略举措帮助该公司在纳斯达克股票市场上市。 EVA LIVE INC (OTCQB:GOAI), an AI innovator, has engaged Maxim Group LLC as a financial advisor in a strategic move to help the company list on the Nasdaq Stock Market. 此次上市预计将提高公司的知名度,吸引更广泛的投资者兴趣,并加速其增长轨迹。 The listing is expected to enhance the company's visibility, attract broader investor interest, and accelerate its growth trajectory. 纳斯达克上市流程的时间表取决于市场条件等因素。 The timeline for the Nasdaq up-list process is contingent on factors such as market conditions.