法学院学生克服困难,以优异成绩从佛罗里达农工大学毕业。 Law student overcomes challenges to graduate as valedictorian from Florida A&M University.
毕业季,佛罗里达农工大学一名法学院学生克服重重困难,以优秀毕业生身份毕业。 During graduation season, a law student from Florida A&M University overcame numerous challenges to graduate as valedictorian. 学生的励志历程以坚韧和决心为标志,他们在逆境中脱颖而出,成为班级中的佼佼者,证明了人类精神的力量和在困境中取得胜利的能力。 The student's inspiring journey, marked by resilience and determination, saw them rise to the top of their class amidst adversity, serving as a testament to the human spirit's strength and capacity for triumph amidst hardship.